Types Of Plants For Balcony

Types Of Plants For Balcony

There are several types of plants that you can choose to decorate the area. Generally, there is a crop of Bush or running down. Everything is beautiful and fits on the balcony wall, apply especially if Your balcony area get sufficient sunlight.

If you want a kind of flowering plant, you can choose tembelekan (Lantana Camara),performance (performance hybrids), vinca (vinca rosea), petunia and many more. Specific to the Petunia, the flowers will not be as much and as big when there are in the region is cool, but still worth a try. While for other types of ornamental plant leaves, you can try a variety of calathea, honeycomb blood, syngomnium, ivory or chives.Variety of this plant can be combined with each other.

You can plant these types of plants in pots that are pasted on walls or fences. Use a lightweight media (other than land), for example like chaff or kokopit mixed with manure or compost.

Photo: Ifran Nurdin http://majalahasri.com/jenis-tanaman-untuk-balkon/ Types Of Plants For Balcony