Type Of Plant
The plant has a very diverse type and you can choose some of them to be put in a home. Because plants will be put in space, it doesn't hurt to choose plants with benefits that can effect positive towards space. For example, plants that can repel mosquitoes, Lavender, Geranium, or Chrysantemum. There are also plants that can absorb pollutants, such as Sansevieria (tongue-in-law) and Aloe vera. It can also, select the types of plants by observing how her treatment. Herbs like Aloe in-laws or Cactus is an example of a plant that does not require special treatment so it will be easier in keeping it.
The Placement Of The Plants
The placement is not only related to the pot or vase that was used, but it is also a space to put plants in space. Position the plants in the spaces of course being essential to the look of the interior and the process of growing the plant itself. In addition, think also how to plant so that its presence can post more and beautifying the interior. When only one or two small sizes, the plant can be placed on top of the coffee table or close to a window. When many plants, it doesn't hurt to put all plants in a single table or bench. To accentuate the look, place the plant has a height of and the type of the variable.
The number of Plants in space
Plants can be placed in the space according to your needs. When you love a room filled with plants, it doesn't hurt to put more than one plant. However, any amount, be sure to put your plants neatly so that plants can enhance the look of the interior and not vice versa.