Embodies The Concept Of Eco-Friendly Home
In fact, eco-friendly home is not only a name, but rather the application of environmentally-friendly concept of the real into everyday life. Is not always about everythinggreen, eco-friendly is also related to energy and its use. Therefore, energy consumption, such as electricity and water played an important role in order to realize this concept.

Embodies The Concept Of Eco-Friendly Home
"I work in offshore, just can't imagine, when leaving the family and going on dead lamp. That's it, I thought, how do I mem-back up, but the idea of using my genset is not interested. One, because of the smoke, then the engine maintenance must also be carried out, "said Ari.
While his decision to make the well resapan and biopori based on the State of the House that gets no water PAM and the rainy season as well as in her home flooded. This decision also thanks to the advice of the architect, Wijoyo Hendromartono, "I suggested, because we are so many years again will trouble the water, so from now on should already be able to ' save ' the water. That is, with the roof of the stream, allwater is dumped into the ground. "
According to Ari himself, the last time calculated, biopori around his house to reach 50 holes. In addition, there are four resapan wells, one in the rear area of the Houseis used to accommodate the gray water, as well as in parks and outside to hold rain water. Embodies The Concept Of Eco-Friendly Home
Different again with a power consumption, at the residence of the Ari is currently practically 50 percent of the electricity used comes from the production of solar panels and the rest from PLN. Solar panels yourself Ari buy slowly, initially he put together six sheet 250 watt solar panel. Now, the solar panels at home reached a total of 4,600 watts, including windmills. "For the Panel alone, there are approximately 3,600 watt and that's not including the small," he said. Since the system and machine useda solar panel at his home already produces about 900 kWH. Production in the day can already reach the 4,000 watt, "I never had a solar panel produce in one day reach 13.5 kWH."
Embodies The Concept Of Eco-Friendly Home
A solar panel at his home also integrated with smart grid, PLN, and battery. With this system, electricity from solar panels, PLN, and stored in the batteries can support each other without pause for power at home. For example, when at home are using electricity from PLN then suddenly the electricity outages, power from the battery can support and supply power to the home. So any otherwise.
This system also helps Ari to determine priority in electricity use. The time of day, the electricity in the House will usually come from the production of solar panels. Due to the low usage load, excess production of solar panels can he adjust to is stored in the battery. When the battery is full, she chose to "sell" excess power to PLN.
Embodies The Concept Of Eco-Friendly Home
"Sell" to the PLN does not mean Ari gets some money. The excess production of solar panels can be sent to PLN using the import export system. "His understanding, the meter is reduced, e.g. from 100 PLN I wear, my production (electricity from solar panels) 50, I pay a nominal money in 50. Now my electric bill from PLN 700,000 umpteen, usually 1.3 million more, decreased 600,000.0 okay "he said. Though the production of electricity from the panels suryanya already a surplus, according to Ari because his home interact with PLN, any electricity that is sent, she still had to pay abodemen.
Embodies The Concept Of Eco-Friendly Home
While the Depth of Discharge (DoD), battery consumption can be limited. ARI himself chooses just let the battery wear by up to 40 percent. If the battery is already up to its limit, electricity from PLN replacing resources in the home. This setting is important because consumption can affect battery life.
"Almost 50 percent of the components of this system is the most expensive battery.Since I am using, I could tell and I recommend we recommend if you want to use back up do not need much – a lot. Minimum power lamp remain dead, PLN is turned on, no need for AIR CONDITIONING and others. Because if the lights at night, a sense of security and comfort are also surely diminished, "he said. ARI own mem-back up to 50 percent so that he wears the same battery capacity in a day, a total of 24 batteries. While price, one bate