5 Tips for Successful Indoor Plant care

5 Tips for Successful Indoor Plant care Not all plants successfully placed indoors. The plant, which will be placed in the room need some process of selection and adaptation.

The Indoor Plant will have to adjust with the environment micro indoors due to changes of temperature, humidity, and natural light.

In order to successfully treat indoor plant, this approach is you have to do.

Select the type of plant that likes life in the shade.

Types of tropical plants that have a wide, green leaves, and a little thick is recommended due to its water content a lot. Anturium, Philidendron, Scindapsus and palms are most often recommended. So are the plants of the desert that has resistance to dry conditions such as cacti, succulents and Sanseviera.

Use proper planting Media.

You can use the media to keep the loose soil humidity media, such as organic compost. Avoid usage of soils due to heavy and hard. Also avoid the use of manure as it will cause the odor.

Keep the hygiene of the plant.

Keep the physical plant hygiene with how to make leaf clean and shiny and clean up the branches. In addition, remove the leaves that are old. Use beautiful pot to close the plastic pot.

Keep the humidity of the air.

Air humidity outside of the normal room reaches 80%, while in the air-conditioned room only 20%-60% only. In these conditions, the plant will dry and dead. To keep the humidity of the air, spraying can be done routinely around plants or put the pot in a water-filled mats.

Do crop rotation

Routinely plant in the room need to be exchanged with other plant every 1-2 weeks. The rotation of the crops needed to get back in shape as it gets fresh air and natural light. Specifically for flowering plants, preferably placed in a space only when flowering only. maybe usefull 5 Tips for Successful Indoor Plant care for