4 the easy way to update the look of the bathroom without renovating it

4 the easy way to update the look of the bathroom without renovating it

You get bored with the look of your bathroom but do not have enough funds for renovating it? There are easy ways to update without the need to change it. You just need to freshen the appearance so as not to look out of date. The following 4 easy ways to update the look of your bathroom without bother renovating it:

Painting the wall tiles in the bathroom

Than you even bother replacing floor tiles, paint the walls just change your bathroom. With the new wall color, your bathroom can feel different. For you who want the wall style, could easily use the wallpaper. If you are creative enough, you can use a paint that can be applied on the surface of the tiles. For more practical anymore, just paste the sticker on Your bathroom wall tiles.

Add Artwork

If you are lazy to paint the bathroom walls, decorate the walls with interesting artwork. Artwork will make Your bathroom look became more unique.

Replace Bathroom Trinkets

Replace baffle curtains (shower curtain) and other motifs that are trendy, don't forget cat's birthday is also your shower door. Tap your sink a long time ago you use? We recommend that you replace the faucet sink with faucets that are more modern.

Add functional objects

If you feel Your Towel rack is already out of date, use the towel hangers that can be hung on the walls of your bathroom. So also with storage. Glass shelves can be an attractive storage choice for your bathroom.