Construction Of Modern Bamboo House

"House Of Bamboo". So the House is often called because the element of bamboo as a decorative element but also as the primary material in the structure of the building. Bamboo has a high strength and elasticity so it can be used as a substitute for building materials of wood or steel.

The Concept Of Mass Building

Planning and designing the House originated from the concept of the family and the number of family members. The mass of the building is divided into three areas.

The first area is the mass of the building for the area East of the elderly, are private.The second area is the bale-bale bamboo open in the middle of land for common areas, are public.

The third area is the mass of the West building for the children's area, is semiprivat.The concept of the physical form and layout of the mass of the building itself is adapted to the existence of the clove tree 9 was already in the land before the commencement of the process of building construction.

This led to the emergence of the concept of building lean. Its realization is the massof the building is made with modular system with column spacing of 3.5 up to 4 meters, placed between the clove tree that thrives and is still productive.

The mass of the buildings East and West building mass each stands on its own. All bedroom are on the top floor of each building so that the mass of their privacy more awake. The ground floor consists of a guest room, dining room and large kitchen and pantri musala

To the first floor, the two buildings connected by a mass of bale-bale bamboo openwhich is the center of home living. Bale-bale is broad enough that is 50 m2 and designed without walls and doors so that free open overlooking the front of the House and into the back of the House. Bale-bale bamboo and bamboo bridge using bamboo rod intact as the floor. Baloknya using the technique of bolt.

To the top floor, the second mass of buildings linked by a bridge of bamboo which is also designed to open. The bridge is situated right at the top of the bale-bale bamboo so that at once serves as a roof for the bale-bale. The bridge is planned to be given cover the roof with tent structures. This open space designed to be entwined relations and harmony between spaces inside and outside spaces.

Finally we can see the designer's wishes while the homeowner is seeking to apply the concept of green architecture through the concept of recycling, respect for the existence of existing material, the use of clove trees bamboo for innovations in the use of material of the former has produced a work of architecture and friendly environment that is worthy of our appreciation.

Exploration and utilization of Bamboo Materials in buildings of the former

Bamboo is the main material which is explored in this House. Why bamboo? Bamboo was chosen because home owners want to use materials that do not require a lotof energy in its implementation. In addition it serves also as a tool for disseminating the possible types of natural materials other than wood for building materials.

Unlike tree wood which once clear-cutting, bamboo can be harvested every 3 yearsand continuously grow during akaranya did not enter a botched, so that fast can bamboo be renewed, renewable and suistenable material. Bamboo is very easy to obtain, there are almost in all regions of Indonesia. In terms of cost, cheaper bamboo while in terms of its implementation, bamboo is also easily processed into types of building materials.

Bamboo is used in the residential area of inididapat, LembangParongpong Ciwidey village and surrounding areas. Type of bamboo that is used is bamboo rope/apus, bamboo, bamboo temen petung bamboo and gombong. Before being used as building materials, furniture as well as aesthetic elements, bamboo first brought to the workshop to be processed first.

Bamboo preserved by means of soaking with a mixture of 5% 95% of chemicals andwater for 14 days, then dried. Most of the bamboo, processed into building materials are carried out directly on site buildings. But some are processed first at the workshop to manufacture panels Bamboo flooring bamboo and woven gedek.

Application of bamboo structures on this assortment of home living. The mass of the buildings East and West building mass using bamboo as the main structure only or as a wall charger. Gombong petung bamboo or bamboo in diameter of 10 – 12 cmis inserted into the column structure, then given reinforcement iron and concrete casted. This bamboo can reduce the amount of cast concrete to 50%. This technique is called bamboocrete.

Bamboo-shaped Wicker used on some wall in lieu of brick or brick making. Woven bamboo that lined both sides of the wire by ram-shaped "honey", then plastered with kamprot finishing or acian. This technique is called plastered bamboo wall that can save you the cost of Rp 95,000.00/m2 to Rp RP 72,000/m2 compared with conventional brick walls. Bamboo is also used as a floor covering materials. Bamboo rods are cut small, then bonded to each other forming a panel, called the laminated bamboo floor.

In addition to using bamboo as the main material, this House also implemented theconcept of recycled materials with the use of the materials in which the former suburb of the city of Bandung, a result of the large number of bongkaran Netherlands era houses destroyed by its owner to be replaced with a new building.

Former material that is used in this home is the beams and planks rasamala, multiplek, iron reinforcement, plentong tile various sizes, glass bongkaran and so on. The use of materials other than the former to reduce waste on the environment also can save on the total cost of the construction of up to 30%.